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Federal Way Amateur Radio Club

Bylaws (Revised 2/10/2022)


1.1.    Regular Membership
Regular membership in the FEDERAL WAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, hereinafter referred to as the "club," shall be made available to all persons who have an Amateur Radio Service license.  Once admitted, regular members shall be those members who remain in good standing.  Good standing shall be defined as remaining current on all membership fees and maintaining their amateur radio license.

1.2.    Family Membership
Family memberships will be available to spouses, and dependents under the age of 18 who live under the same roof as that of the sponsoring regular member.  The family member shall also have an Amateur Radio Service license.  Family memberships shall expire on the same date as the sponsoring regular member.  Family memberships will not have voting rights, and cannot run for Club office.

1.3.    Honorary Membership
Honorary members shall be those individuals who, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, have made an outstanding contribution to the welfare of the club or the Amateur Radio Service.  Honorary members may not hold office, shall not have voting privileges, and shall not be required to pay annual membership.  Three regular members may propose to the Board of Trustees a candidate for honorary membership in writing.  The Board of Trustees shall recommend action on the nomination.  Two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members at any regular or special meeting shall be necessary to confirm the nomination.

1.4.    Associate Membership
Associate membership is available to all other individuals not included in paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, or 1.5.  Potential associate members must express an interest in becoming an amateur radio operator and an interest in the activities of the club.  Associate members shall not hold office and shall not have voting privileges.

1.5.    Life Membership
Paid up life membership is available to regular members.

1.6.    Review
All memberships shall be subject to review by the Board of Trustees and the membership at large at any time.  A member may be suspended for due cause by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees; however, a member so suspended shall have the right to request a review of the suspension by the membership at any regular or special meeting.  Two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members at any regular or special meeting shall be necessary to overturn the decision of the Board of Trustees on this matter.


2.1.    Determination
The Board of Trustees shall, no later than its November Board of Trustees meeting determine the membership fees for the upcoming year and shall publish same on the internet website and/or in the next available issue of the club newsletter.

2.2.    Due Date
Membership shall commence with the tender of a properly completed application and appropriate membership fee to the club.  Memberships shall expire on the last day of the twelfth (12th) month following application and must be renewed on or before the end of the anniversary month to remain current and in good standing.

2.3.    Grace Period
Membership renewals received in the month following the membership anniversary month shall be considered to have been paid on time and in the anniversary month.  Renewal fees received after the grace month are deemed to be new memberships.

2.4.    Family Membership
Family membership fees will be one half (1/2) of a regular membership, in effect at the time of the applications, for each family member.

2.5.    Life Membership
Life membership fees are 20 times the annual membership fee in effect at the time of the application and may be paid in four semiannual installments.  A member paying installments, who is unable to complete full payment, shall be considered paid for the number of years membership already paid. Partial life membership payments shall be nonrefundable.

2.6.    Special Assessments
The Board of Trustees shall be empowered to recommend special assessments to the membership as necessary.  A majority of the voting members present at any regular or special meeting shall be required to confirm the Trustee's assessment recommendation.  Assessments shall be due and payable in full within thirty days of notice to the membership.  Failure to pay the assessment shall be handled in the same manner as failure to pay membership fees.


3.1.    Elections and terms of office
Elections will be held during the annual May meeting of each year.  Each elected office will have a term of two years with the President, Secretary, Trustee 1, and Trustee 3 being elected on odd years and Vice President, Treasurer, and Trustee 2 being elected on even years.

3.2.    Nominating Committee
On or before the regular February meeting of each year, the Board shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of a chairperson and at least two other regular members all of who are not related by family or currently hold an officer or trustee position.  The committee shall contact every eligible member and offer a chance to run for office.  The committee will provide at least one candidate for each position that will be elected for the upcoming year.  All nominees shall be regular members as defined in section 1.1.  The committee shall present their nominees to the club at the April regular meeting.  Additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor until the close of the April regular meeting.  No member may be nominated from the floor without giving his or her prior permission.

3.3.    Election Committee
At the conclusion of nominations from the floor during the April regular meeting the board shall appoint an election committee consisting of a chairperson and at least two other regular members.  This committee shall be the same members that served as the Nominating Committee unless there is a conflict of interest, or a member is unable to fill this role then only those specific members may be replaced.  A candidate, relative of a candidate, current officer or trustee shall not participate in any capacity on the Election Committee.  No officer or candidate may host, moderate, influence or observe any part of the election committee’s business.  This committee shall be responsible for administering an online election using a commercial voting system.  The committee shall be responsible for validating the Nominating Committee’s selection, verifying that only regular members as defined in section 1.1 are offered ballots to vote and verifying all voter email addresses. Upon completion of the election the results will be posted via a direct link to the website of the voting system used.  The election committee shall inform the Board of Trustees of any irregularities in the voting process, and the election committee shall be dissolved at the conclusion of the election.

3.4.    Voting
The election shall be held by secret online ballot using a commercial voting service that provides for one time use randomly generated login that is unique to each voter.  Candidates for each office shall be listed in alphabetical order by last name.  Ballots shall be emailed to all members that are in good standing up, to and including April 30th, using a direct email (not remailer) and shall be concluded at 7:00 PM on the day of the normally scheduled May meeting.  Assistance for voters without internet access to vote will be provided at the beginning of the May meeting.  Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.  Each regular or life member shall vote only their own ballot and no other.

3.5.    Results of Election
At the May meeting, the election committee shall reveal and announce the results of voting.  A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect an officer. Board of Trustees shall be elected by a plurality (for example, the three candidates receiving the most votes shall be elected).  If there is a tie vote that prevents determination of the top three who receive a majority of the votes cast, a written run-off election shall be held at that same annual meeting until a final determination is made.   A link to the results shall be posted within 24 hours of the election and screen shots of all pages relative to the voting service used shall be captured and forwarded to the Secretary for recording.  Officer and Trustee transition will begin at the conclusion of the May annual meeting and completed by June 1st or within 21 days of dispute resolution, whichever is later.

3.6.    Disputes
Disputes regarding the election process and results will be handled by the Elections Committee and reviewed by the Board of Trustees.
•  All disputes shall be submitted by email to all Election Committee and Board members within 7 days of the election results being presented to the membership at the annual May meeting.
•  The Election Committee shall respond with a final answer within 7 days of a dispute being raised.
•  The decision of the Election Co
mmittee may be modified or overturned by a 2/3rd vote of membership at the June general membership meeting.

•  Notification that a membership vote is being requested shall be submitted to the Election Committee and Board of Trustees on or before May 29th.
•  The membership will be notified, through email and notice on the website, no later than June 1st that a dispute will be brought before the membership at the June regular meeting.

3.7.    Ballot Retention
Once all election disputes are resolved or 30 days after the election, whichever is greater, all ballots will be irrecoverably removed from the voting platform.

3.8.    Vacancies
Officer or Trustee vacancies occurring between annual elections shall be filled by an appointment by the President.  The person filling the vacancy shall serve to the end of the term of the officer or Trustee member replaced.


4.1.    Positions
The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the current officers, and three Trustees elected at large.  Officers and Trustees shall start transition of duties the day after the election with complete assumption of duties by the June meeting.

4.2.    Attendance
A vacancy in office may occur if any officer or Trustee is absent for three consecutive trustee or regular club meetings without giving sufficient reason to the Board of Trustees.  It shall be the duty of the officers to bring such absences to the attention of the membership who may, after a due process hearing from the absent member, declare the office in question vacant by simple majority vote of those members present at a special or regular meeting.

4.3.    Removal from Board of Trustees
Officers and trustees may be removed from office for other due cause by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at any regular or special meeting.  Notification of any pending removal of an officer or trustee must be given to the general membership at least 28 days prior to the meeting where that removal is to be considered.   Notification must include the named individual(s) and the reason for removal.  An Officer or Trustee removed through this method is no longer eligible to serve as an Officer or Trustee of the club for 3 years from date of removal.

4.4.    President
It is the duty of the President to call to order and preside at all Board of Trustees, annual, regular, and special meetings of the club; to conduct any business before the body; to preserve decorum and order at these meetings; and to enforce due observance of the Articles of Incorporation and these bylaws.  The President may approve emergency expenditures with the concurrence of at least a majority of the Board of Trustees.  The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, in order, shall assume a vacancy in the office of President.  The President shall cast the decisive vote for all disputes, except in the condition of Board of Trustees elections, where the Election Committee maintains control over the election process.

4.5.    Vice President
It is the duty of the Vice President to organize, coordinate, and chair the membership committee.  The Vice President shall keep the Board of Trustees and the membership apprised of activities and progress at least once every three months.  The Vice President shall preside at all official functions in the absence of the President.

4.6.    Secretary
It is the duty of the Secretary to maintain the club records; keep accurate minutes of all meetings; maintain, transmit, and receive all correspondence; and perform such duties as are inherent in the office.  The Secretary shall maintain a listing of all members present at each annual, regular, or special meeting and shall conduct a roll call of the Board of Trustees at each of its meetings.

4.7.    Treasurer
It is the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys due the club, giving a receipt therefore; to pay all routine or recurring bills with the approval of the Board of Trustees, and to pay all capital expenditures or extraordinary bills as directed by the Board of Trustees.

4.7.1.    Extraordinary Expenses
All capital or extraordinary expenses not already budgeted, in excess of $500, shall be approved by a majority of voting members at a regular or special membership meeting where notice of the proposed expenditure has been announced at least 10 days prior to the meeting.  Extraordinary expenses in response to an emergency may be approved by a majority of voting members at a Board of Trustees regular or special meeting.

4.7.2.    Record Keeping
It is also the duty of the Treasurer to keep an accurate accounting of all club assets, including a detail of all income and expenditures in a form approved by the Board of Trustees.  All current assets shall be kept in a place of safekeeping as approved by the Board of Trustees.  The Treasurer shall provide a monthly summary report, in a format approved by the Board of Trustees, to the Board of Trustees and the membership, and shall report the club's complete financial condition to the membership during the month of April.  The Treasurer shall assist the incoming Treasurer by providing a smooth transition in financial record keeping.

4.7.3.    Audit and Filings
The club's financial records shall be submitted for an audit no later than March 1st of each year.  The Treasurer shall facilitate the filing of all appropriate financial records and required reports to the State of Washington and Internal Revenue Service on or before the respective filing deadlines.

4.7.4.    Treasurer's Bond
The Treasurer may be bonded in an amount sufficient to reimburse the club for any loss of revenues or assets due to acts of errors or omissions.  The Board of Trustees, at its February meeting shall determine the amount and term of the required bond, if any.  Payment of the Treasurer's bond shall come from the club's general fund.

4.8.    Past President
The outgoing President will continue to serve on the Board of Trustees as an advisor for a period not to exceed one year after their Presidency.  The Past President will not have board voting privileges.

4.9.    Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the club and the following:

4.9.1.    Budget
The Treasurer shall propose an annual budget for the Board of Trustees approval and the Board of Trustees shall manage expenditures in compliance with that budget.  The budget shall be published to the membership on the Internet website and/or club newsletter.  Revisions to the annual budget shall receive approval from the majority of voting members at a regular meeting.  The budget shall also contain a long-range plan tabulating future anticipated expenses within the next three (3) years and reserve funds shall be set aside for the anticipated needs.

4.9.2.    Insurance
The Board of Trustees shall determine insurance requirements and obtain the necessary insurance coverage.

4.9.3.    Trust Funds
The Board of Trustees is authorized to establish various trust funds for such purposes as may be deemed necessary by the membership.  The entire Board of Trustees shall be the trustees for the respective funds.

4.9.4.    Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
The Board of Trustees shall be permitted to appoint an Assistant Secretary(s) and Assistant Treasurer(s) as nonvoting Trustee members if necessary.

4.9.5.    Rules and Regulations
The Board of Trustees shall adopt, amend, and repeal, if necessary, administrative rules and regulations for the efficient operation of the club.  The membership may amend or repeal such rules and regulations by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting.

4.9.6.    Public Service Plans
The Board of Trustees shall develop a program covering public services and fundraising activities necessary to support the purposes of the club.


5.1.    Location
All meetings, with the exception of an executive session of the Board of Trustees, shall be open to the general membership and held in a location accessible to the membership.

5.2.    Frequency

5.2.1.    Regular Meetings
Regular membership meetings of the club shall be held at least once per month at a time and place designated by the Board of Trustees.

5.2.2.    Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President, Board of Trustees, or on written request of at least five full members, at least 10 days in advance of the requested time.  The Board of Trustees, or those persons calling for the special meeting, shall advise the membership of the special meeting through the club’s website’s Home page.

5.2.3.    Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the club shall be the May regular meeting to elect officers and transact any other business as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees or the membership.  Notice of all meetings shall be provided on the Internet website and/or in the club newsletter.

5.2.4.    Trustees Meeting
The Board of Trustees shall hold a monthly regular meeting.  Necessary special meetings may be called by the President or by a request of three (3) Trustees.

5.3.    Quorum
At all annual, regular, and special meetings 10 percent (10%) of the voting membership or seven (7) members, whichever is greater, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business pertaining to the club.  The Secretary shall verify and announce the required quorum prior to commencement of any business discussions.  All matters requiring a vote shall be based upon the majority or fractional total of voting members present at that meeting.  At all Board of Trustees meetings, four (4) trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  Fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the total voting members present at that meeting shall determine a majority vote.  Committee members may determine among themselves the quorum requirements for their respective committees.

5.4.    Conduct
Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, or other procedures acceptable to the Board of Trustees, shall be used to govern all proceedings of this club, that are not covered by these bylaws.


The President shall name all committee chairpersons and appointees and shall set forth duties as required or requested.  The chairperson shall be responsible to the President.  Committees shall remain in existence and their chairperson in that position unless otherwise determined by the committee, the President, or the Board of Trustees.

6.1.    Standing Committees
The following permanent standing committees are established.  The Board of Trustees may establish additional standing committees with a suitable scope defined and published in the club newsletter.  These committees shall be tabulated in the roster of committees maintained by the Secretary, and changes shall be incorporated at the next routine Bylaws revision.

6.1.1.    Membership
The Membership committee shall be responsible for all membership accounting tasks required for the classes of members defined in Section 1.  This includes the development of a membership application form, issuing membership cards and certificates, maintaining a database record of skills and interests as reported on applications, and maintenance of the membership roster.  This committee shall recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval, a list of items to be distributed to new members and request action for development of information and brochures needed for recruiting and public service announcements.

6.1.2.    Emergency Operations
The standing Emergency Operations committee, known as the Emergency Communications Response Team (ECRT), shall establish a plan to operate the club’s station on any frequency band required and under emergency power when requested in an emergency.  This plan shall include a roster of qualified operators, a call-out procedure, operator scheduling, traffic-handling procedures, and reporting requirements.  The committee shall define training requirements to the Education Coordinator who shall establish classes as necessary and define operator certification/qualification criteria.

6.1.3.    Public Relations
A standing Public Relations committee shall be responsible for publicity, promoting, and advertising club activities to the public and contacting governmental agencies to help determine areas of public needs within the scope of the club's purpose.  The committee shall recommend projects/programs for Board of Trustees consideration. The committee may appoint a newsletter editor.

6.1.4.    Repeater Operations Committee
A standing Repeater Operations committee shall be responsible for the operation, construction, and maintenance of the club’s repeater systems.

6.1.5.    Education Coordinator
The Board of Trustees may appoint an Education Coordinator to establish and develop a curriculum for the teaching of various amateur radio classes.

6.2.    Ad Hoc Committees
The President or the Board of Trustees may establish ad hoc committees for any necessary purpose in the management of the club.  Each committee shall have a specific objective that terminates the committee upon completion.

6.3.    Appointees

6.3.1.    Club Station Trustee
The President shall appoint a Club Station Trustee upon application for license renewal or upon the death or resignation of the present Club Station Trustee.  The Club Station Trustee shall maintain at least an Amateur Extra Class license and be responsible for maintaining the club's license.


The club shall provide the following services in support of its charitable, educational, and scientific purposes.

7.1.    Education

7.1.1.    Club Publication
The club may sponsor an official monthly newsletter and/or publish information on the Internet to inform the membership of scheduled activities as well as technical and regulatory news.  Such publication should also contain minutes for all meetings, which have occurred since publication of the previous edition.

7.1.2.    Training Classes
The club is to ensure that training classes for club members to help prepare them for amateur radio examinations are communicated. The club may either directly conduct and/or sponsor classes or promote classes that are available through other local or online organizations. These classes may include but not limited to Morse code training, electronics theory, communications law, current operating practices and techniques, and any other subjects that may advance the amateur radio service. Each student successfully completing a club sponsored class may be presented a certificate of completion.

7.1.3.    Examinations
The club shall conduct, sponsor, and promote voluntary examination sessions for prospective amateur radio operators, under the auspices and guidance of an accredited volunteer examiner (VE) program.  Sessions shall be publicized and shall be available to the general public.  The club shall develop and maintain a cadre of accredited VEs to conduct amateur radio license examinations.

7.1.4.    Library
The club shall maintain a library of radio, electronics, and computer-related technical journals and publications to meet the educational and research needs of the members and the public.

7.2.    Communications Facilities

7.2.1.    Licensed Operating Stations

The club shall maintain a current, valid amateur radio license as issued by the Federal Communications Commission.  In addition the club may operate repeater systems to support local emergency and general communications.

7.2.2.    Emergency and Portable Operating Equipment
The club shall maintain portable power equipment, antennas, and transceivers as necessary for emergency communications.

7.3.    Recognition Program
The club shall maintain an active awards program to recognize selected members and organizations that support the club.

7.4.    Public Service Activities

7.4.1.    Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)

The club shall actively support the King/Pierce County ARES and City of Federal Way emergency communications mission, as requested.  A strong endorsement and recommendation shall be given members to join ARES.

7.4.2.    Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
In the time of a governmental declaration of emergency, the club shall support RACES with the use of club resources.

7.4.3.    Conventions
The club may sponsor conventions, trade shows, educational seminars, and other gatherings to provide a means of demonstrating and discussing advances in amateur radio communications techniques and computer technology, and to provide a focal point for technical training.  The public shall be invited to attend and participate in these activities.

7.4.4.    Public Service Projects
Upon request, the club shall support local public service events as requested by charities, governmental agencies, and other public agencies.


The club shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, or any disability, in the administration of membership policies, scholarship programs, and other corporation-administered programs.  Every member regardless of race, color, national and ethnic origin is entitled to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to members of the club.


9.1.    Procedure
Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees for evaluation.

9.2.    Voting
These bylaws may be amended at any annual, regular, or special meeting of this club by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at that meeting.

9.3.    Notification
The membership shall be notified of proposed bylaw changes by mail at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the amendment(s) is to be taken.  A voting member may request an absentee ballot from the Secretary, which shall be returned to the Secretary prior to the commencement of the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.

Time of Effect
Unless otherwise noted, any amendments to these bylaws shall be effective immediately upon passage.

ADOPTED this 11th day of May 2000, by a majority vote of membership present, effective June 1, 2000.
Ned Parr, Secretary
Federal Way Amateur Radio Club

AMENDED this 8th day of June, 2017, by a unanimous vote of membership present, effective June 8th, 2017.
Ellen M. Le Vita, Secretary
Federal Way Amateur Radio Club

AMENDED this 11th day of April, 2019, by a two-thirds vote of the membership present and absentee ballots, effective April 11th, 2019.
Craig Baker, Secretary
Federal Way Amateur Radio Club

AMENDED this 10th day of February, 2022, by over a two-thirds vote of the membership present, effective April 10, 2022.
Michael McCoy, Secretary
Federal Way Amateur Radio Club